For my friends who love animals friends cat would have to know well the signs of sick cats that anymore. because many do not know if it's another cat was sick and needed help immediately. to all my friends I'll tell you what and how where the signs of sick cats. and this not only to race Persian cat, but for all types of cats. for with him the signs of sick cats we can handle it and treat it immediately.

so quiet and tired and listless look

His body temperature is high or high heat

decreased appetite or otherwise increased abruptly

often shook his head excessively

drink extra water

difficult to remove dirt

vomiting and colored water

improper discharge of a distinguished ear, eye, nose.

his weight dropped drastically or increase markedly
become more aggressive or hyperactive

limp cat and even difficult to stand

the body there is a swell cat

sorry pup cat and slimy and accompanied by blood.

if the cat kesayang friend's friend is experiencing the signs mentioned above, immediately brought to the blood so quickly to treatment and medication. remember do not overlook the friend's friend's pet cat when experiencing these signs do not let friend's friends regret later.


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